You're invited to…

Sister circle Women's retreat

A healing Weekend immersion for all women in the santa Cruz mountains


Friday. October 11 t0 Sunday, October 13



Skyview Road, Boulder Creek, CA 95006

So glad you're here, Sister goddess


So many of us are desiring deeper connections to ourselves and others. This space is all about coming together as women, healing collective feminine wounding, connecting with our womb space, dancing together, and honoring the miraculous, sovereign beings we are. Our prayer of this space is that every woman will experience the healing medicine of deep sisterhood from this weekend immersion, and as a result expand in her own love and power.

Are you getting excited yet?

subject to Shift

Weekend Itinerary

Friday, October 11:

12p: Check-In Begins - Set Up Campsite

2-4p: Charcuterie & Tea Time

4-5:30p: Opening Sister Circle & Intention Setting with Grace & Diana

6-7p: Dinner

7:45-9:15p: PJ Dance Journey Under the Redwoods with Sarah

9:15-10:15p: Empowering Your Essence Bonfire Circle with Marian


Saturday, October 12:

8-9a: The Womb's Whisper: Movement Medicine with Diana

9:30-10:30a: Breakfast

10:30-12: Lymphatic Drainage & Abdominal Self-Massage with Helena

12:30-1:30: Lunch

2-3:30: Voice Activation Song Circle with Rachel

4-5:30p: Cacao & Feminine Wounding Healing Circle with Diana & Mikaela

6-7p: Dinner

8-10p: Dancing Freedom Journey with DJ Chelsea ‘Presencia'

10p: Tea & Star Gazing


Sunday, October 13:

8-9a: Sacred Self Yoga with Grace & Sound Bath with Ya Mei

9:30-10:30a: Breakfast

11-12:30p: Closing Ceremony & Circle

1p: Departure

Experience the beauty of deep connection with nature and women on 23 acres of land in the Santa Cruz Mountains

What's included…


Nourishing, delicious vegetarian meals (vegan/GF options):

-Friday dinner

-Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner

-Sunday breakfast

-24/7 access to hot tea and yummy snacks

-Each woman is responsible for helping with one cooking shift and one cleaning shift - this helps keep cost down and it's fun to work together in the kitchen tent :)


Space to pitch a tent or car/van camp. There will also be a large heated group tent for some of the activities that will also be available for anyone to roll out their sleeping bag. And yes there's a hot tub, sauna, two outdoor hot showers, and two composting toilets. If you need camping gear, please contact Diana at


Workshops that will help you deepen your connection to your cyclical nature and step into your unique power and full expression taught by experienced, loving women


Dance journeys led by DJ's who are trained in providing a conscious dance experience for freeform, intuitive movement


An experience to be immersed in nature in a remote area of the Santa Cruz Mountains on privately owned land which has hikes, a pond and spectacular view of the Monterey Bay


Sisterhood that will last a lifetime

Our mission

Sisterhood is the most untapped natural resource on the planet. And stepping into our power is something we want each woman to feel after this weekend comes to a close.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is it difficult to get to skyview?

Getting there can be very challenging for some. The route is paved most of the way but the last mile is not and it's steep and narrow in places. If you have a four-wheel or all-wheel drive bring it.​ There will be a carpooling option.


Is there work trade available?

YES! We need women who are willing to help us with setup and takedown and we will offer compensation toward ticket price (either half or full) in exchange for your time. If interested, email


Is this a sober space?

This campout is a recreational drug and alcohol free space. All participants commit to not being under the influence at any time while on property, not having such substances in posession, nor bringing them to the campout in any way. If you need an exception to this agreement for a genuine health concern you may email us through this website at least 24 hours prior to arriving at camp to discuss possibilities.


Can I come for just a day?

There are no day passes and you can only signup for the whole thing. To be clear, you can arrive and depart whenever you like but you must register and pay for the whole campout. 


What if I need to cancel last minute?

You can get a full refund up to a month before the event less the transaction fees Stripe checkout takes out, and a half refund if you cancel up until a day before the event less transaction fees, and if we have to cancel due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances then you will get a refund less transaction fees.

See more info on getting to Skyview and what to expect here.


The kind of depth and richness contained in this retreat can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to give you an experience that you'll never forget—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the Skyview Women's Retreat for only…


MEET your host, Diana

I come from a background of needing the medicine of deep sisterhood during a time in my life where I was stuck and out of alignment…and now I get to share this with others. I'm SO excited to have you here for this special weekend.

CLient testimonials

Liv B.

Diana brought light to my life in a way that no one has ever done before. She has changed my life in more ways than I could ever describe, and I would not be the soul I am today if it weren’t for her love, authentic understanding and wisdom.

MElinda R.

Diana has a gift with words and relating to my humanness all while keeping it real. She has helped me tremendously and will forever be my go-to wisdom coach as I like to call her.

Mary S.

Diana has made me feel comfortable and safe while helping me release the negative energy that was stored in my body…She helped remind me who I aspire to be, and what my higher purpose is.



Founder of Sister Circles, Certified Life Coach & Yoga Instructor

After years of misalignment in my early twenties marked by bipolar, hypothyroidism, substance abuse, and relationship issues for several years, I reached a pivotal realization—the crucial need for the right assistance beyond Western medicine. I started learning as much as I could from world class coaches, getting to the root causes of my dis-ease and leaned into showing up fully in sisterhood.  I no longer experience these health issues and now feel confident and in love with who I am. It's my mission to help other women do the same for themselves and step into their sovereignty. 

My coaching style has evolved to focus on expanding in love and taking aligned action from that place. I use inquiry method, somatic release, cycle tracking, yogic practices, inner child healing, meditation, and connecting with intuition to help women. I have a degree in recreational therapy and psychology, as well as a certification in life coaching and yoga.

I'm dedicated to bringing the medicine of authentic, loving sisterhood to as many women as I can. 

See more about my offerings here.

Grace Hahn 

Co-FOunder of Sister Circles

Grace is a certified yoga instructor with a deep love for nature and a passion for connecting to ancient wisdom and philosophy. She values the profound connections formed through feminine relationships and embodiment, advocating for the authentic expression of the full intensity of a woman.

Grace cherishes natural movement and views the body as a sacred temple, continuously nurturing both her environment and her relationships. Her mission is to bring her love of nature, movement, and sisterhood together in one safe container, allowing for expression and healing to happen.

Sarah Li

Sarah is a chiropractor turned Self Healing Mentor with a strong passion for helping women to find freedom in their bodies, connect with their intuition, and align to their most authentic expression. She blends her holistic medicine and quantum healing background with her passion for music to empower women to heal themselves of chronic pain and all other forms of body-mind-spirit limitation.


Music has always played a large part in Sarah's life, having started her classical piano training at the age of 4. Nowadays she loves to find new and creative ways to share the healing power of music with others, including incorporating conscious movement in her group healing programs, through channeling her own music, and curating sound journeys as an Ecstatic Dance DJ. You can learn more about Sarah's offerings at

Ya Mei Wolf-Smith

 Ya Mei is most passionate about singing through exploring and playing with authentic rhythms and sounding, expressed in union with the body’s sensations and organic movement. She believes that music is the universal language of Love and a direct pathway to connect and commune with the Divine within and around us.

She sang in Bach Youth Festival choir, University of Redlands choir, and Heather Houston's Yala Lati choir.




Rachel caruana

From a young age, Rachel has found the vibrations of her singing voice to be a grounding anchor during periods of stress.

With the desire to share this medicine so others may find solace in their own sound, she trained to be a song circle facilitator with Heather Houston in 2019.


Rachel has background in both Child Development and Psychology, as well as years of experience with inner-child healing practices. With that said, she invites play and a free-spirited energy into the circles she hold.

DJ Chelsea Presencia

Leader of Dancing Freedom

Chelsea is a community co-creator, student, teacher,  and spiritual seeker. She finds her own divine remembrance and connection through ceremony, nature, silence, and dance.

Chelsea believes that each of us are capable of living in a deep and meaningful dialogue with life connected to the guidance of our souls. She has found that within the dance she is able to stabilize her own consistent dialogue and trust in life.

Chelsea seeks containers of safety and skilled holding to explore the depths of her own body as a vessel for liberation and connection - and she aims to create these spaces for others. In addition to being a Dancing Freedom Facilitator, Chelsea is also an Ecstatic Dance DJ, yoga teacher, and energy and body worker. You can learn more about Chelsea at and listen to her sets at

Helena Rae Haven

Helena Rae Haven (they/them) is a bodyworker, yoga teacher, artist, and educator living intentionally in Santa Cruz, California. Their passion lies in assisting women and nonbinary womb-owners in reuniting with their bodies, diving deep into the shadows to heal ancestral and physical trauma, and discovering new modalities of tending to our sexual health in order to gracefully ignite the inner fire of our lives.

Helena Rae holds a certification in Abdominal Massage from T'ulix Indigenous Arts and currently studies therapeutic bodywork at Cypress Integrative Health Institute. 

Their studies as a yoga teacher have sent them to discover the details of trauma-informed yogic practices in locations such as The Sacred Valley in Peru, Chiapas, and Goa. 

Mikaela Donelan

Mikaela is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Spiritual Coach. Through her business, Earthly Purpose Coaching, she guides clients in bridging their ambitious career-minded lifestyle with their custom spiritual beliefs. She uses somatic and spiritual-based techniques that guide clients to develop deeper self-understanding.

Her background also includes intentional practices like breath work, meditation, studying Buddhism, dance, practicing mindfulness and more. She's had extensive solo travel, assisted startup companies, a successful corporate career, starting her own business, and more.

Her professional and holistic background allows her to be the intersection between the professional world and the intentional community.

Marian Baker

Named one of the 50 top executive coaches in America, Marian Baker is an award-winning author

and modern mystic catalyst for a game-changing approach to liberating your greater joy, impact and real prosperity.

She specializes in equipping growth-seeking, awakening women to transform how they create healthier, happier success in sync with their innermost true power and potent outer potential (rather than keep trying harder from the typical default of subconscious, limiting, childhood-conditioned and culturally-inherited seeker-achiever programming).

Built with the privilege of working with bright leaders for 27 years, and her own ride of inner alchemy and life’s empowerment lessons, the new MLA-Mastery of Leadership Arts tools will equip you with an axial shift in inner fuel and effective, enjoyable outer flourishing.


It's time to show yourself how worthy you are of being seen and celebrated by other women.